MacNeill Baptist Church
News and Notes
Church Moderator: Jonathan Purdy
Minister of Worship and Pastoral Care: Rev. Susan St John
Director of Music: Monica Admiral
Custodian: Sandy Palin
Associate Ministers in Spiritual Care: Garry Blinch, Robert Bond, Claire Gosselin, David Jones, Felida Toledo
Pastoral Care: When you would like someone to pray with, to request a pastoral visit, or to publish a prayer request please contact
Susan St John at 905-512-9897 or
Pastoral Care Team: Heather Hobbs, Olga Jenkins, David Jones, Bruce Papky, Feli Toledo and Beverly Woods.
Your continued financial support of our congregation is appreciated. Donations can be mailed to the church, or made through e-transfer at, or from the Donate Now link our website. Thank you for your continued generosity.
Dr. Mike Wood Daly
Dr. Mike Wood Daly serves as Research Director at Relèven (formerly Trinity Centres Foundation), a Canadian charity that works with churches to build community partnerships and maximize faith properties for social impact through community hubs and housing.
Mike is also the Founder and Research Director of the Halo Canada Project,
helping churches measure and better understand the socio-economic impact they have on their surrounding neighbourhoods and Canadian society in general.
He is a Research Fellow with the Flourishing Congregations Institute in Calgary and holds a Doctor of Ministry from McMaster University. He is a former congregational minister and previously served as Degree Administrator and Research Associate with the Doctor of Ministry Program at the Toronto School of Theology (University of Toronto).
Mike is also an author. His book God Doesn’t Live Here Anymore: Decline and Resilience in the Canadian Church, was published in 2023. He lives in Toronto with his wife Jan, daughter Bethany, and their loving and mischievous dog, Tucker.
Science Fair Survey: from Luke
I have a science fair project that includes doing a survey about your thoughts on current affairs. It is only 10 short answer questions and so shouldn’t take very long. I would appreciate it if you would participate but it is purely optional. The only personal information required is your age. All answers are anonymous.
Lenten Planning
Spring is soon to spring and we gather once more to plan our Lenten Season of worship. Please connect with Rev. Susan if you are interested in putting your heart and brain into the joy of planning the Season of Lent at MacNeill.
Donation Envelopes
The weekly donation envelopes for 2025 are in the narthex. Please use your name on the envelopes, rather than numbers, especially when donating cash. Rest assured that the only people who know who donates what are the treasurers and the envelope steward, so all donations are kept as confidential as they always have been.
New Tricks Quartet Show
On Sunday March 2 at 2 pm, right here at MacNeill, you are invited to spend an afternoon with the New Tricks Quartet in their show “Rindercella”, an irreverent retelling of the Cinderella story with music from Queen, Whitney Houston, Simon & Garfunkel and more! Admission is free but donations are welcome.