Photo Album
MacNeill Annual Picnic
MacNeill Annual Picnic On June 23 2024, we held our annual picnic with pot luck salads and desserts to supplement the hotdogs supplied by your Christian Education Board. After the meal, the kids played games while those that wished to attend the Semi-annual Meeting...
Easter Breakfast 2024
Easter Breakfast 2024 Our first Easter breakfast in four years was a rousing success. A good time was had by all. And there were full bellies all round. Photos by Bruce Papky Click on any photo to enlarge and toggle through the rest.
Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday Brass Fanfare, Chimes Choir, Choir, Hymns, Responses.... lots to enjoy to celebrate Easter. Oh... and Paula Papky preaching.Photos courtesy of Bruce Papky. Click on any photo to enlarge and then toggle through the others using the side arrows.
Christmas Eve 2023 Photos
Christmas Eve 2023 We had a wonderful Christmas Eve service fully utilizing our musical talents, ably led by our music director, Monica Admiral, to whom we owe thanks and praise. Also many thanks to our stealth photographer Bruce Papky. Click on the photo to enlarge...
Community Carol Sing
Community Carol Sing On Sunday afternoon of Dec 3, we hosted our Community Carol Sing. It was a lot of fun. Many many thanks go to Monica A for organizing it all. Click on the photos to enlarge and then you can toggle through them all. Photo credit: Bruce PapkyAnd...